Perbandingan Hasil Refraksi Subjektif pada Jarak 6 Meter dan 4 Meter Menggunakan Slide Projector

  • Anggit Nugroho Cicendo Eye Hospital
  • Avita Farens Ferdinandus Institute of Health Science Dharma Husada Bandung
Keywords: Refraction examination subjective, Refraction examination objective, snellen chart, slide proyector


Refraction examination is identified as a measurement of refractive disorders. Refraction examination is divided into 2, namely objective and subjective refraction examinations. A subjective refraction examination is an examination that depends on the collaboration of the patient in assessing refraction the examination. Long distance subjective refraction checks generally use snellen chart at a distance of 6 meters. On the author's visit, it was found a checkpoint that was less than 4 meters using the snellen chart. Therefore, in this study the author aims to compare the results of subjective refraction at 6 meters and 4 meters with the method used cross sectional. The results showed that there were differences between the results subjective of refraction at a distance of 6 meters and 4 meters by 97 eyes from 104 eyes studied.

How to Cite
Nugroho, A., & Farens Ferdinandus, A. (2021). Perbandingan Hasil Refraksi Subjektif pada Jarak 6 Meter dan 4 Meter Menggunakan Slide Projector. Jurnal Sehat Masada, 15(1), 81-92.